dudas@carcarepassion.com +34 93 514 96 96
dudas@carcarepassion.com +34 93 514 96 96
Pulimento de máximo acabado para gel coat. Acabado ultra fino que aporta el máximo brillo.
Corte: 3/10
Brillo: 10/10
Paso final antes de aplicar la protección en especial sobre gel coats de colores.
Envase de 1 litro
Pure luxury! Premium Gloss is the flagship in the gloss class. An expression of love for the boat. Proud to turn heads.
The ultimate mirror finish of Premium Gloss is revealed to its best advantage on dark gelcoat surfaces. Gliding along weightlessly: the smooth and flawless surface makes it possible. Aesthetic and functional enjoyment for sailing and motor boats.